Monday, 18 December 2017



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Mental illness can lead to suicide if left untreated.  The important signs of a person planning suicide are :
1.      Looking for means to kill oneself
2.      Expressions of being in unbearable pain
3.      Thinking oneself of being a burden on others
4.      Showing anger and waiting to take revenge
5.      Displaying severe mood swings
6.      Being alcoholic
7.      Acting very agitated or anxious
8.      Feelings of hopelessness

Talking about suicide would put the idea into the person’s head :   It is helpful in talking about suicide with the concerned person and this would bring an instant relief to the person since talking would help them feel less fearful and more in control.
People who attempt suicide wish to die : It is not necessary that people who attempt suicide want to die. They are themselves confused about it and see it as a last resort. Supporting an individual with suicide would help them feel secure.
Suicide is “ attention seeking” : Every talk about suicide requires an empathetic response and needs to be taken seriously.
Suicide happens unexpectedly : Suicide does not happen unexpectedly.  There are a lot of symptoms before a suicide occurs such as depressed mood , alcoholism, negative feelings  social withdrawal etc.
Suicide is a selfish act : People who attempt suicide look at themselves as burden and do not wish to be one. Hence they think that its better to die.
1.      Be Non Judgemental :   When a person expresses his/her intention to commit suicide, do not judge the person. Be patient and listen to the person with a deep sense of empathy.
2.      Offer hope : Try to show the person the positive life of life and infuse positivity.
3.      Take it seriously : When anyone expresses his/her desire to kill oneself or tals about his/her depressed mood take it seriously . Do not pass it off as a mood swing.
4.      Respond promptly :  Respond promptly and ask questions related to the plan of suicide and since when the thoughts of suicide had been occurring.    
5.      Encourage lifestyle changes :  Ask the person to make positive lifestyle changes such as incorporating exercise in the routine and taking a lot of healthy food.
6.      Remove anything risky from the surrounding : Remove any means of suicide such as razor knives etc.
7.      Give Unconditional support :  Be a source of constant and unconditional support to the suicidal patient
8.      Seek Professional Help : Take the suicidal patient to a psychologist or a mental health professional for help.

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